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Note: Maintaining the AB Parameters, AB Analytes, AB Methods, and Lab Parameters tables is very important and requires skill and patience.

Find the analyte in the AB Analytes table.

If the analyte has 0 params and 0 labs, it can be removed from the table.

If the analyte has anything other than 0 params and 0 labs, do not remove until updating all labs to the new parameter and removing the parameter from the AB Parameters table.

For example:

    1. NV-1005 is PCBs in Oil. The equivalent TNI analyte is Total PCBs (8870)
    2. There are 5 entries in the AB Parameters table and 27 entries in the lab parameters table that include NV-1005.
    3. Two of those entries in the AB Parameters table have 0 labs and can be deleted.
    4. One of those entries in the AB Parameters table is NPW/CWA/EPA 608.3 GC-ECD (10296614)/NV-1005 which is used in 5 labs. The analyte ID is 49859. The 5 labs are:
      • ASSET Laboratory, Las Vegas, NV
      • EMAX Laboratory, Torrance, CA
      • Eurofins, Irvine, CA
      • GEL, Charleston, SC
      • SGS, Dayton, NJ
    5. First, make sure NPW/CWA/EPA 608.3 GC-ECD (10296614)/8870 exists in the AB Parameters table. If it does not exist, use Parameter Builder to create the entry. There are two other parameters that need to be checked:
      • S/RCRA/EPA 8082 (10179007)/8870 – already exists as parameter # 49656
      • NPW/RCRA/EPA 8082 (10179007)/8870 – already exists as parameter # 47583
    6. Next, one lab at a time, add the new parameter and delete the old one.
    7. The parameter can be deleted from the AB Parameters table when it shows 0 labs using that parameter.


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AB Manager can upload, validate, and import proficiency testing (PT) data from any PT provider. PT data that is correct and complete can then be evaluated to determine if a laboratory is maintaining compliance with PT requirements for requested parameters.

PT providers must provide data files that are correct, complete, and in the format specified below. To be recognized by AB Manager, each PT file must comply with the following:

  • The file must be in a comma separated value (.csv) format with a single header row as specified in the table below.
  • The file name must be unique and indicate whether it is an amended file. For example,
    • “Phenova R25010 UT.csv”
    • “ERA WP288 WV mod 20-0816.csv”.
  • Method, analyte, and provider codes much match those used by the accrediting body. TNI codes are highly preferred if they are available. Coordination between the laboratory, PT provider, and accrediting body is imperative.

Note: the preferred column heading is shown in bold with recognized alias’ shown in parentheses. At a minimum, orange colored fields are required for PT evaluation.

AB Manager PT File Specifications 21-0728

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