Creating or Editing a Checklist Template
Relationship Between Checklist Questions and Assessment Findings
When properly designed, checklists can greatly simplify preparing final assessment reports. Checklist requirements and observations can flow effortlessly to the findings section of the final report. Checklists can be deployed using any web connected desktop, laptop, or tablet.
Template Requirements
A checklist template is used to design the layout and questions that will be used on all resulting checklists. Templates can be developed for every aspect of the on-site audit from overarching quality requirements (such as TNI standards) to individual method requirements. For example:
- TNI 2016 V1M2 General Management Requirements
- SM 4500-H+ B-2011 pH by ISE
- Sample Receiving Requirements
Templates are easily created or edited using any comma separated value (csv) editor (Microsoft Excel or similar). Template files must be saved in .csv format.
The checklist’s format, headers, questions, and other information are determined by the CSV file using the following simple guidelines:
Note: All fields in the CSV template must be spelled correctly and are case sensitive.
- The file must in
- The first row of the CSV file must contain the column headers “Type,” “Text” and “Option” as shown in the figure below.
- The next four rows are used to identify the checklist template:
a. title: “SM 4500-H+ B-2011 (pH by ISE)”
b. description: “pH Value by Electrometric Method”
c. createdate: “1/19/2023”
d. createdby: “KS/AQS”
e. notes: “Based on xyz method” - Subsequent rows are used to design and populate the checklist with sections, categories, labels, questions, text, dates, signatures, and links as outlined in the table below.
- Save as a CSV (comma delimited) file. Ensure that the file name is unique. For example, “Generic Checklist Revision 5.”